Be part of the change that protects the lives and wellbeing of our future, the children of our communities.
As part of our mission to provide clean air, free of pathogens, we have submitted proposals to municipalities across Puerto Rico such as Guaynabo, Bayamón, Caguas, Maunabo, and many others.
More events coming soon
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About the AirSafe Protocol
100% based on Science

Safe for people and animals
The AirSafe Protocol is safe for people of all ages and pets, using cutting-edge technologies and guidelines that safely and effectively protect your family, team, and clients.

Environment Friendly
Proactively protects from pathogens in the air and surfaces while being safe for the environment. Our AirSafe Protocol uses technologies that are certified by independent studies and do not use ozone or other harmful chemicals.

Effective and Replicable
Our AirSafe Protocol can be replicated in small buildings or at a large scale in warehouses, shopping malls, and theatres without losing effectiveness.
Join the fight against COVID-19 and future airborne pathogens by registering to our newsletter or start the process of obtaining your AirSafe Certification by getting in touch with any of our partners. Everyone deserves clean air, and together we can do it.
Benefits of the AirSafe Protocol
Research & Education
The 9 step protocol is based on scientifically proven facts which we use to educate communities and help critical sectors.
Airflow & Contagion Risk
A subset of layers that form the AirSafe Protocol is based on finding solutions to fight airborne pathogens using airflow and aerodynamics.
Select & Apply Technologies
AirSafe uses existing and emerging technologies that are applied in order to strengthen the protocol, providing safe and clean air.
Multilayered Protection
The AirSafe Protocol provides safe and clean air in indoor spaces by implementing different layers and failsafe protections against airborne pathogens.
Fights COVID-19 & Future Pathogens
Reduces the spread of COVID-19 and other pathogens by establishing guidelines & using technologies that are proven to work.
Enhances Productivity
Multiple studies have shown that the quality of indoor air is directly connected to the performance of employees performing in a wide range of tasks.
Implement the AirSafe Protocol
Allows 100% occupancy and social distancing of 6 inches (shoulder to shoulder) by providing a safe environment that clients want to support, this will stimulate in-person activities.
Provide security to employees and clients by ensuring they are protected. Reduced infections directly correlates to an increase in attendance by reducing the need for sick days and time off.
Currently, experts have noted that the COVID vaccine does not offer full immunity and may not be effective against future strains. AirSafe is designed for protection that is futureproof.
Protects against current and future strains
The AirSafe protocol is one of a kind. We work with experts in the health industry, US Air Force experts in aerodynamics and air flow, and Engineers to provide airtight solutions.
Proven protection you can trust

Implementing for a business or organization?
We have partnered with many businesses and organizations for a more specific and tailored approach. Please select the brand that best applies to your organization or business to start implementing AirSafe.
Government agencies and schools
SayNet focuses on aiding government agencies and centers of education by finding solutions to problems through the use of cutting-edge technologies.

Government agencies and schools
SASC focuses on aiding government agencies and centers of education in the contiguous United States.

Private businesses and organizations
MT Consulting offers consulting for businesses in the fields of medicine and technology in order to offer cost effective solutions.

Healthcare professionals and doctor offices
MedTrust helps doctors and other healthcare professionals by offering consulting services to solve operational challenges.

Public relations, events and nonprofits
Aire Compartido & MATOCOVID help nonprofits and public events with a focus on public health & safety that have a non profit approach.

We can only
end COVID-19
Puerto Rico Leads las Americas is the leading advocacy group when it comes to reopening the economy, safe from airborne diseases like COVID-19, Monkeypox, Melioidosis, and many others.
Everyone deserves clean air, together we can help achieve the highest indoor air quality.
Who we are
Everyone has a right to breathe air that is pure and clean. The Puerto Rico Leads las Americas team of volunteers and partners are committed to this mission and we fulfill it by promoting the AirSafe Protocol in order to ensure indoor air is free of harmful pathogens like the SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19.
We are dedicated to help organizations and businesses alike by enabling them to safely reopen with a minimal risk of contagion, using protocols, guidelines, and technologies that are scientifically proven. We achieve this by creating touchpoints with professionals that can help your organization or business receive financial aid when implementing a protocol certified to reduce the spread of COVID-19, such as the AirSafe Protocol.
Thanks to the efforts of many organizations and professionals in industries related to public safety, healthcare, and others, state and federal agencies have granted funds to implement technologies and protocols designed to fight COVID-19. If you are interested in learning more about these federal grants, visit the Office of Federal Affairs of the Municipality where your business is located, or get in touch with our partners to start the process of receiving state-funded financial support for implementing a protocol light AirSafe.

What we do is clean air

Did you know you can apply for state and federal grants when implementing a protocol like AirSafe?
To find out more about federal and state grants, contact the Office of Federal Affairs of the Municipality where your business is located or get in touch with our network of partners who have the experience and knowhow to help you implement AirSafe.

Press Releases & News

Powerful partnerships
We believe everyone has a fundamental right to have access to clean air, free of pathogens such as COVID-19. For this reason, we conduct independent studies on technologies and health & safety guidelines to certify their effectiveness and form part of our multi-layered protocol that guarantees clean air: AirSafe.
We have partnered with research institutions across the Americas to certify and audit clean air protocols. One of these institutions is the renowned Independent Shared Air Strategic Research Board (IRB), with whom we have a mutual agreement to inform and educate communities around the United States and Puerto Rico.
As part of our mission to make clean and pure air accesible, we have invited government officials and industry leaders to the Pentagon, where a multilayered strategy has been implemented. Retired US Air Force Surgeon Generals, as a main collaborators of the multi layered protocol and Puerto Rico Leads las Americas partners, have taken affirmative action to make this protocol known at a larger scale.
We have made available the US Air Force Strategic White Paper where you can learn more of this strategy to protect the lives of your team and clients.